Home Projects Flensted Mobiles

Flensted Mobiles

by Kit

In 1953, my grandfather designed the first Flensted mobile and in 1954, he and my grandmother founded Flensted Mobiles. The two of them started by sitting in their apartment assembling stork mobiles and sold them, and as the sales quickly took off, they had to knock on the neighbour's door to ask if she could help them assemble mobiles - and that's how the first "home worker" was born. In 1982, my father took over the family business and went explored new and exciting paths and began attending the international fairs and thereby sent the mobiles beyond the borders of Denmark. Today there are over 60 home workers who (as the word implies) sit in their own homes and assemble the mobiles - and once every 14 days the assembled mobiles are picked up and brought to Frederiksminde School (my childhood home), from where they are sent out all over the world. I have worked for many years in the family business, but after much consideration had to admit that it was not for me to mix family and business and therefore decided to retire. But mobiles and their history are such a big part of my childhood and upbringing; they are my story, and will therefore always be with me.

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