Home All songs Can’t Wait Anymore (2011)

Can’t Wait Anymore (2011)

by Kit

Can't Wait Anymore

You should have been done by now
Done with the things you needed to do
You said you'd be back by now
So I wouldn't have to wait too long
For you
For you
For you
For you

You said you would sort things out
That you needed to be all alone
So you could stay
And be proud
Be proud of what you are on your own

But is has been years
And so many women
And so many tears
Some day I'll have to give in

I've been bleeding to death
From the wounds where you stabbed me
When you left me

You'll see me walking down the street
With a baby boy with his eyes
And you will cry yourself to sleep
Because you didn't have the guts to fight
Or to decide
To fight
And to decide

I can't wait anymore
I can't wait any longer

You should've come home by now
I've got a warm heart that's waiting for you
Id you don't come back right now
I have no idea what I'm going to do
To do
To do
To do

'Cause I have been strong
And I have been patient
But I have been wronged
And now I've gone impatient

I can't wait anymore
I can't wait any longer

Info about this song
This was a school assignment on the music conservatory in Copenhagen.
Vocals: Kit
Topline: Kit
Producers: Kit, Abas Bathily, Anders Vendrup

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