Home All songs Can We Do This Everyday? (2018)

Can We Do This Everyday? (2018)

by Kit

Can we do this everyday?

May the wind
May it always be in your back
Oh my God, I love your back
How come I never thought about that before now?

May the wind
May it always blow in your hair
Oh my God, I love your hair
How come I never thought about that yet?

It took a starry starry night
A a hand suddenly in mine
That stopped all space and time
And then man you blew my mind
And you’ve blown it ever since
I have never felt like this
I wish this wind will always blow, oh oh

'Cause when I’m in your arms
And you kiss me
You blow all doubt away
It’s just my love that’s left to stay, so
Can we do this everyday?

May the sea
May it always cool down your head
Oh my God, I love your head
How come I didn’t think about that yet?

And may the sun
May it always shine on your smile
Oh my God, I love your smile
But I've known that all the time

And then we had that starry starry night
And I took your hand in mine
And stopped all space and time
And then man I blew your mind

And I’ve blown it ever since
You have never felt like this
Wanna make you feel like this
A little while longer

'Cause when I’m in your arms
And you kiss me
You blow all doubt away
It’s just my love that’s left to stay, so
Can we do this everyday?

Info about the song
Vocals & Lyrics: Kit
Topline: Kit
All instruments: Kit
Production: Kit

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