Home All songs Walking Talking (2014)

Walking Talking (2014)

by Kit

Walking Talking

You've got to fight it baby
Find that place where you can be
The beautiful, wonderful lady
That your own eyes cannot see

You've got to find the key that
Locks up the black box, yeah
And get yourself some muscle maybe

Do the walking instead of the talking
Do the walking instead of the talking

Yeah, I know that you feel good by
Making other people smile
But you hide in loving others
Because it's too hard loving yourself

Why - why do you struggle?
So hard when it comes to others
I - oh I - would like to see you do the same to the woman in the mirror

Do the walking instead of the talking
Do the walking instead of the talking

Let me see your head bop
Let me see your feet stomp
Let me hear your hands clap
You know it makes you happy lady

Do the walking instead of the talking
Do the walking instead of the talking

Info about the song
Vocals & Lyrics: Kit
Topline: Kit
Production: Kit
All instruments: Kit

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