Home All songs No Limit To My Love (2019)

No Limit To My Love (2019)

by Kit

No limit to my love

If I’ve got one song left
Before you go away
If I’ve got one song left
Then I want to sing
This one song about
How oceans just wont do
If I should say
How deep my love it is for you
No I can't measure
Measure my love for you

Measure my love for you

No limit to my love
No limit to my love

If I’ve got one song left
Before you move along
If I’ve got one song left
Then I choose this song
This one song about
How the Universe won't do
If I should say
How wide my love it is for you
No I can't measure
Measure my love for you

No limit to my love
No limit to my love

They say “to the stars and back”
But it’s much further
They say “until the end of time”
But that’s not true
'Cause what you make me feel inside
Has no measure has no height
There’s no limit to the love I feel for you
There’s no limit to the love I feel for you

No limit to my love
No limit to my love

So, if I’ve got one song left
Before you take your leave
If I’ve got one song left
To make you try to perceive
I'll choose this one about
How no one else will do
When I have tried to feel the love I feel for you
I cannot measure
Measure my love for you

No limit to my love
No limit to my love

They say “to the stars and back”
But it’s much further
They say “until the end of time”
But that’s not true
'Cause what you make me feel inside
Has no measure has no height
There’s no limit to the love I feel for you
There’s no limit to the love I feel for you

No limit to my love
No limit to my love

Info about the song
Vocals & Lyrics: Kit
Topline: Kit
All instruments: Kit
Production: Kit

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